Decoding Firearms: An Easy to Read Guide on General Gun Safety & Use is an introductory look into gun safety and firearm use. Are you curious about firearms? Is learning about or using a firearm something you have been interested in? Does the thought about gun use intrigue you, but are you intimidated? Are you a member of the media and wish to better understand how to reference firearms when reporting on them in news pieces? Are you a new gun owner? Are you an experienced shooter looking to brush up on gun safety and use? Are you looking to find a guide to help you introduce a new shooter to the shooting sports? Are you an instructor looking for new material, with a fresh perspective, to present to your students? If so, Decoding Firearms may be for you!
Topics covered in this work include: Gun safety rules, how firearms work, how to operate some common firearm types, the steps you take when using a firearm, and much much more! This work focuses on conventional modern firearms that utilize commercially available smokeless powder ammunition. Decoding Firearms has information on the use of pistols, revolvers, rifles, and shotguns. This is a good first look into the firearms community and world of gun use, presented in a conversational and didactic manner.
While this is an introductory book, Decoding Firearms takes a deeper look into some subjects that often get overlooked, in detail such as: Proper hearing and eye protection, guarding yourself from lead and chemical exposure, how to look up if a public range has any OSHA related citations, in addition to material that is commonly covered in other works.
Decoding Firearms was written to bring the necessary information, in an easy to follow order, from start to finish. Chapters 1-8 focuses on getting you through your first shots and reviewing that process, chapters 9-14 further expand on some subjects in chapter 1, and Chapter 15 discusses The Second Amendment.